Tendo Nagenda is the VP of Original Films at Netflix. Prior to Netflix, Nagenda held the VP of Production position at Walt Disney Studios, where he was involved with titles like Queen of Katwe, A Wrinkle in Time, and Dumbo, among others.

While at Netflix, Nagenda has had the opportunity to develop films like Da 5 BloodsSpenser ConfidentialThe Old Guard, and many other new titles.

His most anticipated title in development is the upcoming film The Gray Man starring Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling on Netflix’s biggest film budget to date.

Nagenda studied Filmmaking at NYFA in 1999 at NYFA’s New York campus.


Year Attended/Graduated: 1999
Location: New York


NYFA Filmmaking Alum & Vice President of Original Films at Netflix, Tendo Nagenda, Featured in ‘The Hollywood Reporter’

NYFA Filmmaking Alum & Vice President of Original Films at Netflix, Tendo Nagenda, Featured in ‘The Hollywood Reporter’

New York Film Academy (NYFA) alum Tendo Nagenda recently spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about what viewers can expect from Netflix originals in the age of COVID-19, showing that the streaming…