2-Year Filmmaking Program

Learn How To Make Films and New Media

During the 2-Year Filmmaking program at NYFA’s Film School, aspiring filmmakers immerse themselves in the art of cinematic storytelling. Similar to our one-year program, this full-time conservatory-style filmmaking program provides extensive mentorship and training, and students gain ample hands-on experience in film, media, and video production.

Throughout their 2 years with NYFA, students direct, write, shoot, produce, and edit several of their own films, while working in various roles in their classmates’ films, rounding out their creative and technical training. Students also explore creative content development that may include web series, podcasts, music videos, virtual reality videos, commercials, and documentaries, learning a variety of storytelling formats. Our learn-by-doing process, helps students uncover their unique creative voice and truly develop the expertise needed to be successful filmmakers and content creators. The program culminates in a final thesis film, where students can show their advanced filmmaking knowledge and techniques. Upon graduation from the 2-Year Filmmaking Program, students will earn a college credit bearing Certificate.

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Faculty Highlights

Interview with New York Chair, Andrea Swift


The curriculum for the 2-Year Filmmaking Program at NYFA’s Film School includes:

  • An advanced curriculum of creative content such as Directing, Cinematography, Screenwriting, Documentary Filmmaking, Production Design, and more
  • Experienced faculty and staff who actively work in the film industry
  • Experience directing on set and serving in various roles in classmates’ films
  • Access to the latest camera, sound, and lighting equipment
  • The ability to attend exclusive guest lectures with film industry leaders such as directors, actors, producers, screenwriters, and more

To learn more, see NYFA’s Course Catalog.


2-Year Filmmaking Program

Location Program Start Date and End Date Tuition
New York City

September 2, 2025 – August 14, 2027

January, 2026 – December, 2027

August, 2026 – August, 2028

Fall 2025 Semester Tuition and Equipment & Technology Fee

Tuition:$16,804 Per Semester

Equipment & Technology Fee:$1,807 Per Semester

Wellness Services & Programming Fee:$95 Per Semester

Program Duration: 6 Semesters

Film School

Sara Seligman  

Sara Seligman


Roshni Bhatia  

Roshni Bhatia

Director | Writer | Editor

Orso Miyakawa  

Orso Miyakawa

Writer | Director | Composer


Please note: Equipment, curriculum, and projects are subject to change and may vary depending on location. Students should consult the most recently published campus catalog for the most up-to-date curriculum.