Actress and Arizona native Alyssa Miller plays Cindy in the 2021 feature film Forgiven, now available to stream on Amazon. Starring Dean Cain (Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Beverly Hills, 90210), Kristi Lawrence (Glass Walls, Fathers, Spur), and James Yaw (Glass Walls, Hippie Carpool, Mercy), the film follows the life of a child abuse survivor and her struggle with trauma. The feature drama, inspired by actual events, was written and directed by Jason Campbell.
Miller, an alum of the New York Film Academy’s (NYFA) 2-Year Acting for Film program, played roles in a series of features and short films following the completion of her studies. A scholarship winner from the International Models & Talent Agency, Miller traveled to New York City to study acting. Her scholarship with NYFA included the chance to learn under the tutelage of award-winning actor and NYFA Board Member Matthew Modinein in a one-on-one master class.
The alum spoke with NYFA in a recent Q&A to discuss her current role in Fathers (2022), other projects, and her craft.

A Conversation with Acting Alum Alyssa Miller
New York Film Academy (NYFA): Could you tell us about some of your recent films and projects?
Alyssa Miller (AM): I recently co-starred in two Dhar Mann Studios videos, “Teen MAKES FUN OF DEAF KID In School” and “DEAF GIRL Told She CAN’T SING” as one of the students and an ASL interpreter. Most recently, I played Samantha in the feature film Fathers (2022), directed by Nicholas Tutora, which is available to stream on Amazon. The film explores the struggles of two divorced men and an unmarried father while fighting for custody of their children. The film stars Nicolas Tutora, Kristi Lawrence, and Andrew Beasley.
I also play a role in a newly created feature film entitled Wander Woman, which will be doing festival runs in 2023. My recent local theater productions include “Newsies,” directed by Emma England, and “Where’s Sapphire Blue?” directed by Sonja Camille.

NYFA: Do you follow a process for scouting roles or working with an agent or manager?
AM: I review new audition postings on various Actors Access and Casting Networks pages daily. While I submit to as many as possible, I keep in mind all the requirements for each role.
My talent manager encourages me to self-submit to projects I see. At the same time, they submit to projects to which actors might not have direct access.
NYFA: What has been the biggest challenge for you in the industry as an actor?
AM: The biggest challenge has been finding a close-knit community where I can find support. While I’m still in touch with many of my NYFA friends, most of us live in different countries, which makes meeting a bit challenging. After moving to Los Angeles and residing here for eight months, I’ve realized how important finding a community is to your adjustment. I now feel like I’m finally starting to find my people.
NYFA: Have any of your projects featured in festivals or competitions?
AM: I was cast in two student films circulating in festivals now! One is entitled Elephant in the Car, and the other is Upside Down, both created by Huntington University students.

NYFA: Did you learn something at NYFA that you applied directly to your projects?
AM: So much! I learned how to break down a script, create a character, set etiquette, and set terminology. I also learned how to warm up my instrument and play during a scene.
I would not be where I am today without the wisdom shared with me by my NYFA instructors, and I constantly recall their words. Recently, I wrapped with the feature Wander Woman, which will make a festival run in 2023.
NYFA: Do you have advice you can share with incoming NYFA students?
AM: Do the work and have fun! Once you graduate, you will realize how precious your time as a student was because you had the opportunity to work on your craft with friends and peers daily. Don’t waste a minute of it.
NYFA congratulates Alyssa Miller on her recent work and successes! You can follow her on her Instagram account and check out her professional website for a resume, updated set photos, headshots, or information on how to contact her.