The new term is well underway, and the incoming Spring Broadcast Journalism class will soon be here. Before we look to the future, we thought we’d highlight more of our successful Broadcast Journalism alumni.
NYFA Broadcast Journalism grad Nour Idriss is still working at CBS News, but now she has two jobs… She continues to be part of the production team for The CBS Evening News Weekend Edition.
“I produce and edit VO’s and teases, and some packages by myself. I also oversee the headlines and help with research and material gathering for other producers.” During the week, she is over on the digital side at as a freelance Associate Producer for video. “Basically I publish CBS content on the web, using a variety of software.”
This is the incredible story she did as a NYFA student that launched her career.
Regular readers will recall some of the stories we featured when Yasmine Muffoletto was a NYFA student. After graduation back in May, she returned to France and a job at Vice Media. Here is the latest from her…
“I recently joined the VICELAND production team and am no longer with Vice Digital. I also want to thank you once again for everything you taught me. I would not be at Vice anymore if I didn’t know how to edit or even write a script. Those long hours in the edit room actually paid off.”
We heard from Summer Session grad Starla Sampaco as well.

“I just wrapped up an internship at KING 5 (Seattle’s NBC affiliate station) and am about to move to Olympia, Washington for a full-time internship at TVW (Washington state’s version of C-SPAN) during the legislative session. My internship will require me to do on-air reporting, write scripts and interview legislators. I would not have had the skills necessary for this role if it weren’t for NYFA.”
Finally, last week we featured Francielle Maines’ marvelous “summer in the city” story, with one of the most remarkable “stand-ups” I have ever seen. (That’s a street dancer flying over Francielle in City Hall Park in New York City.)

Well, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention that Francielle was there as part of a production team. (Who do you think shot the video?) That team included Barbara Makarevich, who for two years hosted a TV talk show in her hometown of Moscow. Barbara has now moved to another famously cold city — Chicago — where she is working on a Masters Degree in Journalism at DePaul University.

Francielle wrote: “Had a great time studying at the NYFA. This was one of the best experiences of my life. I learned a lot! Remember that hot day, Barbara?” Who responded:”Sure, I don’t forget things like this. You really did a great job, and I was glad to be a part of your team!”