Well, another week, another White House assignment for Alisa Rajkitkul and Urvashi Barua. This time it was the Indian Prime Minister appearing with President Barack Obama. Urvashi and Alisa, now “veteran” White House reporters, spent part of their time telling less experienced correspondents how things work there.

This isn’t typical of the New York Film Academy Broadcast Journalism experience. In fact, it isn’t typical of any school. These two have succeeded because of their dedication and hard work. We’re happy we gave them the skills to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.
The Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro are almost here, and our Brazilian graduates are especially busy. Flavia Renata Perez found an amazing background for a recent interview. Note that she is using a DSLR camera. Increasingly it is the camera of choice, especially in circumstances when you want to keep a low-profile.

Meanwhile, NYFA grad Suzane de Oliveira was back at her college to talk with some current students there. Suzane works for Agence France Presse (AFP) in Rio, and isn’t going to be getting much sleep once the Olympics start. She is an exceptional role model. Here is a sample of her work: