November 8, 2016

The New York Film Academy Broadcast Journalism program has had quite an exhilarating and educational experience during the 2016 election season. For the third time, Colonel Jack Jacobs hosted an exclusive tour of NBC News for the NYFA 1-Year Broadcast Journalism students and program Chair Bill Einreinhofer. Col. Jacobs is chair of NYFA’s Veterans Advancement Program, a Medal of Honor recipient, and a frequent contributor to MSNBC.

“It is an honor to be involved in this business at NBC, and it is a great pleasure to expose NYFA students to the intricacies of the skill required behind the scenes to produce top-quality information and deliver it to those who consume it,” said Col. Jacobs.

Thanks to Col. Jacobs, students were given an inside look as to how TV news is produced at a major American television network at a crucial time in American history. In fact, the Election Night sets were still in the process of being built.

“There are few things in journalism more exciting than broadcast and cable news,” said Col. Jacobs. “They are always on the cusp of breaking events, and they feed the expanding reach of handheld delivery devices.”

Students also had a chance to sit in “the big chair,” which is typically occupied by the network’s top news anchors.

“To a budding journalist, NBC is what Wall Street is to a business student,” said Farai Makoni, a fall 2016 1-Year Broadcast Journalism student from South Africa. “Getting a chance to see the ins-and-outs of such a media giant further reminded me why I am doing broadcast journalism. It was an honor.”

Finally, students had the opportunity to briefly chat with MSNBC anchor Joy Reid before she headed off to the production studio for her Saturday morning broadcast. Ms. Reid is host of “ The Reid Report” on weekdays at 2 p.m. on MSNBC. She is also the former managing editor of, a daily online news and opinion platform devoted to delivering stories and perspectives that reflect and affect African-American audiences.

“Broadcast and cable professionals make it look so easy,” said Col. Jacobs. “When we see segments on television, we are struck by how smooth things look and how closely melded the commentary and visual elements are. But NYFA students know the truth: This is hard work that requires study and practice. I am always impressed by the consummate skill that NYFA students acquire in the classroom and then translate into superb product.”

The NBC News tour is offered exclusively to NYFA 1-Year Broadcast Journalism students. It’s one of the many fine elements that make studying journalism at NYFA so unique.