Scott began his career working as a 3D generalist, which is a common stepping stone out of school. He was responsible for multiple stages of the production “pipeline,” such as modeling, texturing, animating and lighting.
It is much easier to find work for a versatile artist, especially in the commercial industry. “Knowing all of the stages of the pipeline, such as rigging, modeling, and lighting, is always a huge plus. There are other programs out there in which you are limited to learning only animation. What makes NYFA a little different than studying at a traditional 4 year college, is that you are learning right up until you graduate. You really need to work hard after graduation, and put together your own work to show to companies who are looking to hire. It’s also a lot of learning in a short amount of time, so you really need to work hard.”
As a Camera Layout TD, Scott is currently in production on the films, Life of Pi and R.I.P.D. Scott works a typical 9 to 6 day, but unlike a lot of professionals in other industries, he’s never bitter about waking up for work. “I enjoy waking up everyday and not dreading going to work. It can be a little stressful at times, especially during tight deadlines, but it’s a good feeling to get paid for something you really enjoy doing.”
by nyfa