MFA photography student, Joseph Bornilla, exhibited his work last weekend at Photo Independent in Los Angeles. Joseph’s final New York Film Academy thesis project entitled, Chaotic Beauty, is a series of documentary images on the aftermath of the tsunami on the City of Tacloban, in the eastern Philippines. On 8 November 2013, the city was largely destroyed by Super Typhoon Yolanda and Joseph travelled there to photograph during December 2013/January 2014.
Joseph states, “How is beauty possible when incidents like this have left us with so much destruction? These images will not only be a reminder of finding beauty everywhere in the face of upheaval but also give hope, lead us to contemplation and give us strength. One strong characteristic of the Filipinos in such difficult times is resiliency molded by their yearly visitors including tsunamis, storm surges, and earthquakes among others, that made them stand strong.”
Sales from the series will go to the tsunami relief fund. Donations can be made through Joseph’s website: http://www.