Yet again, while scoping the Internet, we stumbled across another talented New York Film Academy Animation graduate. Eliska Podzimkova, who studied here in the summer of 2012, created a very innovative Instagram page called eliskap (formerly animateNY). Though she now resides in Prague, Eliska, like so many of our students, fell in love with New York City during her studies. Her admiration and nostalgia for the city inspired her to create the page in which she offers followers the chance to put her ‘personal touch’ on their image, if they hashtag #animateNY.
Being that we had an “in” with Eliska (she went to our school), we were fortunate enough to have her collaborate with us on an image. We hope this will be the first of many collaborations as we’re huge fans of her creative work! Be sure to follow the New York Film Academy on Instagram to see more of Eliska’s work and other happenings at the school.