New York Film Academy Screenwriting Chair Nunzio DeFilippis and NYFA Instructor Christina Weir are returning to the Dragon Age franchise with a comic miniseries, Dragon Age: Deception, which will launch in October 2018.
Dragon Age: Deception is a three issue comic book miniseries, set in the world of the best selling and award-winning video game series, Dragon Age. The miniseries, published by Dark Horse Comics, follows the story of a failed actress turned con artist who sets out to con the heir to a magically gifted family and gets caught up in something much larger.
The announcement for the miniseries can be found on the Dark Horse website.
About their experience writing for Dragon Age DeFilippis and Weir said:
Nunzio DeFilippis: We’ve been lucky to be able to create our own story worlds in our creator-owned books, but there is a thrill we get out of working within an established universe that has its own history, characters, and fan-base. And in the case of Dragon Age, we’re both huge fans of the franchise. We know all the lore, and all the characters, and that was a huge plus going into the project.
Christina Weir: WithKnight Errant and now Deception, we’ve been able to build our own central characters, and that’s exciting. We’re adding pieces to the Dragon Age canon. But we also get to work with characters we’ve loved in the games. In the last mini, we worked with Varric and Sebastian. In this one, we’re working with… well, I’m not sure we’re supposed to spoil that just yet. But there’s a small role for a fan-favorite in this mini. And he was a great character to interact with in the games, so we had a real thrill giving him a few scenes.
Nunzio DeFilippis: There’s a big piece of emerging lore that we got to put into this story – something that shapes the franchise going forward. When we started this mini, we had a long conversation with the Dragon Age story team at Bioware, and they told us where they saw the story world going forward, and we asked how we could help advance that. And they let us, which was awesome. This universe is evolving, through the games, the books, the comics… and we get to help it along the way.

Nunzio DeFilippis is the Chair of Screenwriting and Dean of Faculty at NYFA’s Los Angeles campus. Christina Weir teaches TV and Comic Writing at the Los Angeles Campus, as well as Story Generation and Character Development. The two are a writing team who were writer/producers on HBO’s Arliss and wrote for the Disney Channel series Kim Possible. They have had features optioned at Hollywood Pictures, Process Media and Humble Journey Films. They developed a video game at Sony, and a TV movie (Two Step) at Oxygen. The pair has written in comics for almost two decades, and beyond Dragon Age, they have written New X-Men, Adventures of Superman and Batman Confidential. They created the comic franchises Bad Medicine (in development at Closed On Mondays with NBC), The Amy Devlin Mysteries (in development as a TV series at E!) and Frenemy of the State (co-created with Rashida Jones, optioned as a feature film by Imagine Entertainment/
DeFilippis and Weir have worked on one previous Dragon Age miniseries in 2017, entitled Knight Errant.