The 2017 edition of DOC NYC included another fantastic New York Film Academy Documentary Department Showcase, spotlighting the work of NYFA students. NYFA faculty also had work represented at the festival, which MovieMaker Magazine has named amongst the top 5 “coolest documentary festivals in the world.”

Known as one of the most prestigious documentary festivals in the U.S., DOC NYC is held annually at the IFC Center in Manhattan’s West Village. The 8-day festival provides a cutting-edge platform for documentaries and includes panels and conversations with industry leaders.
This is the third year in a row that NYFA Documentary Filmmaking students have premiered their original work at DOC NYC. The five NYFA student films premiering at the festival were “Atomic Love” (Yusaku Kanagawa), “Home Free” (Marie-Chan Kasongo), “Little Red Lie” (Mariko Ide), “Jatar” (Braulio Jatar), and “Janguaribara” (Lucas M. Dantas). Following the special screening, students, faculty, and industry guests alike enjoyed the usual excellent day-long after party/reunion, networking with fellow filmmakers and documentary industry insiders.

“DOC NYC is one of the most important documentary film festivals in the world. It’s a huge honor to be included in their showcase for the third year in a row. Luckily, our students are up to the challenge,” said Andrea Swift, Chair, NYFA Documentary Department. “These five films are as accomplished as they are diverse, which is representative of the majority of NYFA documentaries.”
Three NYFA faculty members were also honored with film screenings at DOC NY: “Scotty Bowers and the Secret History of Hollywood” (featuring NYFA Digital Editing Professor Bob Eisenhardt, multiple Emmy Award-winner and Oscar nominee), “Hot Grease” (NYFA Documentary Department Producing Professor Jessica Wolfson), and “Atomic Homefront” (NYFA Documentary Department Cinematography Professor Claudia Raschke, four time Oscar nominee).