As a whole-hearted supporter of the feminist movement both home and abroad, the New York Film Academy is proud of photography student, Aisha Al-Musallam, who is the first woman from Qatar to study for a bachelor’s degree in photography. Aisha’s passion for photography began by simply photographing her friends and family. Her love of the craft drove her to write a letter to renowned photographer, Maher Attar, for private lessons.

With 30 years of experience at international photo agencies, Attar is currently the director of the image bank at the office of Her Highness Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser, First Lady of Qatar. As fate would have it, Attar met with Aisha and eventually took her under his wing. Aisha admires his work to the utmost degree and now humbly considers him as a mentor.
From there, Aisha was hired to be on Her Highness’ personal staff of photographers. As a member of Her Highness’ personal staff, Aisha is privy to work at a number of exclusive events. As if the job wasn’t grand enough, Aisha also gets to travel the world, from Istanbul to America, to cover events for Her Highness.
Due to Her Highness’ progressive stance on women’s rights, Aisha was supported and encouraged to pursue her bachelor’s degree in photography. She initially dipped her foot in the water by studying at New York Film Academy’s 4-Week Photography Program. From there, she decided NYFA was the perfect choice to complete her BFA in Photography. “It was my dream to get my bachelor’s,” said Aisha. “So far, it’s been amazing. Brian Dilg and David Mager are my top teachers!”
After completing her BFA, Aisha plans on returning to Qatar to resume her work with Her Highness. However, after a year or so, she would like to continue her education by completing her Master’s in Photography.