After graduating from New York Film Academy’s Two-Year Acting for Film course, Corey Scott Rutledge created a comedy sketch group with his friends and fellow NYFA graduates Nick Snow, Brooks Russell, Luis Alarcon, Dirk Otis, Grant Lancaster and Dave Steffey.
The Shorts Show, which has amassed 76 videos and well over 1 million views since its creation, has hilariously parodied everything from Game of Thrones to Matthew McConaughey being…well Matthew McConaughey. Given not only the quantity of content but the quality of their videos, it’s only a matter of time until these guys land a show on a network like Comedy Central.
“Attending NYFA was very important to what I have been able to do,” says The Shorts Show creator Corey Rutledge. “Not only meeting those who I currently work with now on the show but also networking into so many different projects while there has landed me projects both acting and design wise post graduation.”
In addition to Corey’s ability to parody trends in pop-culture, he’s a very talented graphic designer. Before his acting studies at NYFA, Corey earned his computer graphics degree back home in Michigan. His graphic design skills have recently become a major factor in his life, once again. With so many of his peers looking for concept art for their short films, he became the go-to guy for stellar movie posters like The Hooligans one in this post. As time went on, he thought it was common sense to start offering his services to filmmakers outside of his network. Now, he’d be killing two birds with one stone, working on both of his passions at once with poster art.
He’s quickly built a portfolio and a reputation for delivering some really cool posters for students and independent filmmakers. If you’re looking to get your short or indie feature to stand out amongst the crowd with a solid poster, check out Corey’s work on his website or shoot him an email about his services at