As many of us at the New York Film Academy are well aware of, Brazil is currently one of the most competitive markets in the film industry. Many of our most talented students, including the recent Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival award-winner Raquel Bordin, have come from Brazil. In fact, The Brazilian National Agency of Cinema ANCINE has just announced the investment of approximately $600 Million on new audiovisual co-productions open to foreign partnerships. “The Brasil de Todas as Telas (Brazil of All Screens) program is investing largely on Brazilian audiovisual development,”says Manoel Rangel, president of ANCINE. “It’s the most ambitious program for investment on this sector ever done in Brazil. Its various imbricate actions are being executed and new actions will be launched until the end of 2014.”
This month, the 7th Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival, at the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences in Hollywood, screened a fine selection of films from some of the best current co-productions between Brazil and the United States. Films ranged from some of the more successful blockbusters to promising and emerging filmmakers in the independent and student film world. LABRFF’s mission is to generate a favorable environment to creation, prioritizing content and storytelling. What better medium to promote the Brazilian culture than cinema?
The festival brought the best of Brazilian cinema to Los Angeles with a selection of more than 30 films. Some of the highlights at this year’s festival were the USA premiere of The Great Victory and the closing film Forever Nevermore, from Director Emerson Muzeli. The Opening Night Gala was on September 14th at the Academy Linwood Dunn Theater in Hollywood and the events concluded on September 19th.
Of the 17 selected short films, NYFA Filmmaking student, Raquel Bordin’s Tip Toe screened at the Regent Theater in Los Angeles and won the Best U.S. Short at the festival. Big congratulations to Raquel on her award-winning film!
If you’re a Brazilian actor or filmmaker interested in studying at the New York Film Academy, CLICK HERE for more information.
Source: Lucas Paz, LABRFF Media Manager, and Cris Guzzi, LABRFF Research Manager