A standing room only crowd welcomed The Jinx Supervising Editor Richard Hankin to New York Film Academy Producing Department’s latest Industry Speaker series session. After screening Episode 3 of HBO’s groundbreaking series, Richard participated in a “Conversation with…” and Question and Answer session with Producing Department Co-Chair Neal Weisman. NYFA students from various departments heard Hankin discuss his early career, learning the Avid editing system and parlaying his technical expertise working on important documentary projects. He went on to describe his role working with various directors and producers, including editing and co-producing Andrew Jarecki’s Academy Award nominated film Capturing the Friedmans.
The Jinx garnered unprecedented media attention, thrusting it into the limelight. Richard Hankin gave great insight into the development, production, and most notably, the post production of Jarecki’s six part documentary series exploring the strange case of Robert Durst.
Various production, legal, and ethical issues confronted by the filmmakers were discussed; especially noteworthy as the filmmaking process revealed incriminating evidence used to reopen murder charges in Los Angeles.
The Jinx is currently available on HBO GO.