12-Week Game Coding Workshop

Learn Game Coding at NYFA

Whether students are looking to improve upon existing skills or are new to the world of coding, the 12-Week Intensive Game Design Workshop aims to impart creative and technical skills and knowledge in game development.

Students learn to use relevant game design technologies, which may include Github, Adobe Creative Suite, Maya, Bitbucket, HTML, and more.

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Workshop DescriptionWorkshop Name: 12-Week Game Coding Workshop

The Intensive Game Coding Workshop meets Monday through Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for 12 weeks. Students studying in NYFA’s Game Design School learn from a faculty of working, expert game industry programmers who mentor each student in a hands-on and immersive studio environment.

The workshop focuses on learning the Unity platform, Unreal Engine, and C# scripting language. These technologies are:

  • The most powerful and accessible game engine available
  • Multi-platform, allowing students to build and easily tailor their game to different platforms, deploying at a click for major console, mobile, and desktop platforms
  • Ubiquitous in the game industry

To learn more about NYFA’s game design workshops, see NYFA’s Course Catalog or request more information.

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Game School Alumni

Daniela Lobo Dias  

Daniela Lobo Dias

Visual Effects Artist | Director | Writer

Kemer Stevenson  

Kemer Stevenson

3D Animator | VFX Artist

Scott Cullen  

Scott Cullen



Please note: Equipment, curriculum, and projects are subject to change and may vary depending on location. Students should consult the most recently published campus catalog for the most up-to-date curriculum.