Game Design for Teens

Learn How to Design a Video Game at NYFA

The most successful game designers are avid players themselves, excelling in creativity, artistic expression, and play. In NYFA’s video game design camps for teens, students aged 14-17 learn these essential skills and start their journey to become tomorrow’s developers. From day one at NYFA, students are immersed in the study and practice of games, and learn what makes great games. During the camp, students use this knowledge to lay the groundwork to create a video game of their own.

NYFA’s game design camps also teach students systems thinking, which helps establish an understanding of how systems impact and work with one another, often within a larger system. Systems thinking is also the foundation for understanding subjects including science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). NYFA currently offers in-person, on-campus summer camps and weekend camps. We also offer online programs on a seasonal basis.

Game Design Summer Camps: Level I

In NYFA’s game design camps, students live and breathe the study and practice of playing and designing games. Previous experience is not necessary, and students’ knowledge is built from the ground up, starting with the basics of the Unity Game Development Engine, which is utilized across multiple professional industries from games and film to VR and architecture.

Students also learn the basics of computer programming through the C# language, a versatile and easy to read code. At the conclusion of the program, students walk away with a game of their own making. While some of our teen camps offer level-two programs, our game design camps are currently available as level-one programs only.

3-Week Game Design Summer Camps for Teen I

Dates: June 29, 2025 – July 19, 2025
Tuition: $ 4,100

Alumni Work

NYFA camp alumni often use their training to pursue their creative interests in game design. Please note that the successes of our alumni are the result of their individual hard work, perseverance, talent, and circumstances. NYFA cannot guarantee that any future graduate will achieve similar success or secure a position in the industry.

Please note that the successes of NYFA alumni are the result of their individual hard work, perseverance, talent and circumstances. The New York Film Academy cannot guarantee that any future graduate will achieve similar success or secure a position in the industry.

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Aubrey Plaza


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Eve Hewson


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Bex Taylor-Klaus


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