New York Film Academy (NYFA) understands the major financial commitment involved for international students who wish to come to the United States, as well as for their families. For this reason, NYFA attempts to assist by providing as many funding resources and opportunities as possible.
A good place to start is by exploring internal NYFA tuition-funding prospects that the Academy offers to long-term applicants. Special NYFA scholarships, NYFA talent and merit awards, and NYFA need-based tuition assistance programs can be found here.
In addition to NYFA’s internal resources, the Academy’s international team has gone to great lengths to research and identify external-funding opportunities. This page includes information about specific global, regional, national, and intranational ‘educational and vocational training’ funding available to international students—both from public and private sources. For specific country resources, please click on your country of citizenship. NYFA cannot guarantee the accuracy of the details given directly by the providers’ websites and so we urge you to review the criteria and details of each source carefully.
An important additional resource is the EducationUSA Program. EducationUSA is a US Department of State network of over 400 international student-advising centers in more than 170 countries. EducationUSA is officially a branch in the Office of Global Educational Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Many students use creative solutions to help subsidize their NYFA educational experience, such as corporate sponsorship based on a return of investment, and utilizing crowdfunding platforms.
For all questions and assistance needed to help make your dreams of studying at NYFA a reality, please do not hesitate to seek support from your NYFA Admissions Specialist.
All Countries
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Antigua, Argentina, Armenia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, East Timor, Ecuador, Finland, France, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea (South), Kosovo, Kuwait, Libya, Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Republic of Tatarstan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam United States Government Funded Programs, Regional Scholarship Programs, Miscellaneous Programs
See regional scholarships.
AANO Scholarship Fund (Albanian American National Organization): An applicant must be a high school graduate who has been accepted into a course of study at a college or a similar institution for the purpose of continuing education, or who is presently enrolled as a student in a college or university. An applicant must be either an American or Canadian of Albanian descent or an Ethnic Albanian and is not required to be a member of the Albanian American National Organization, Inc. (Private) https://www.aano.org/scholarship.html.
See regional scholarships.
See regional scholarships.
Friends of Fulbright Scholarship (U.S. Embassy in Argentina): The program gives Argentine undergraduate students the chance to attend classes at an accredited US university and share the experience of living and studying with students from the United States and other countries. (US Government) https://ar.usembassy.gov/education-culture/programs/friends-of-fulbright/.
Armenian Studies Scholarship (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation): Students admitted or already pursuing a Master’s Degree, PhD, or Post Doc in an institution of higher education anywhere in the world. Modern and contemporary periods, including current issues facing Armenia and the diaspora will be privileged. Note that we define Armenian studies as broader than area studies. https://gulbenkian.pt/en/grant/armenian-studies-scholarship-2/
John M Azarian Memorial Scholarship (The Azarian Group): Since its formation, this fund has awarded over $500,000 in grants to assist financially deserving Armenian students who might otherwise not be able to complete their undergraduate studies. It is our hope that someday those who we have helped will be able to give something back to those who are less fortunate. (Private) http://www.azariangroup.com/scholarship-program/
Margarian Scholarship (The Margarian Law Firm): We are seeking students who have demonstrated commitment to their heritage, community, and society through persistence, dedication, success, and humility. Note that we do not only determine recipients solely on the basis of GPA or economic hardship, but seek the most deserving candidate based on a multitude of factors mentioned. The scholarship will be in the form of a check payable to the recipient and may be applied towards past, present, or future educational expenses. The scholarship prizes will consist of five (5) awards of $1,000 each. (Private) https://margarianlaw.com/scholarship/
Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs): This international educational and cultural exchange program brings future leaders to the United States to experience the US educational system, enhance their knowledge, and explore US culture and values. It also affords students the opportunity to share their cultures and traditions with people in the United States. Finalists represent diverse disciplines, from architecture to engineering, biochemistry to literature and education. (US Government) https://am.usembassy.gov/education-culture/educational-exchange/
Armenian International Women’s Association Scholarship (Amount: $1000): Awarded to full-time female students of Armenian descent attending accredited colleges or universities. Students entering their junior or senior year in college, as well as graduate students, are eligible to apply for the awards. Awards are based on financial need and merit. (Non-Profit) https://www.aiwainternational.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=616355&module_id=243124
Edward Hosharian Scholarship for Music Students of Armenian Descent (Edward Hosharian Foundation): Amount: $5000. Assists Armenian students in pursuit of their educational goals in music. Applicants must be of Armenian descent, demonstrate financial need, be a full-time student at an accredited college/university in the United States, be a college sophomore or above, and be majoring in music performance or composition in order to apply. (Private) https://bit.ly/2LnHz5R
Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship (AEF TUFENKIAN SCHOLARSHIP): Three $3,000 scholarships will be awarded to Armenian undergraduate students at an accredited United States college or university. To qualify for this scholarship, students must be of Armenian descent, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, show financial need, and be actively involved in the Armenian community. Students who meet the above criteria should visit our website for scholarship application and more information. http://aefweb.org/index.php/scholarships
US Graduate Scholarship for Students of Armenian Descent (Armenian General Benevolent Union): Amount $5,000. Offered for Master’s, PhD, Post Doc degree in the field of all subjects. This scholarship is open to students of Armenian descent. (Nonprofit) https://www.wemakescholars.com/scholarship/u.s-graduate-scholarship-for-armenian-students
See regional scholarships.
Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program: Students must have Bahraini citizenship. Students must be enrolled in Grade 11 / Year 12 / (or equivalent). Students must have a cumulative GPA of 97% or above for Grade 10 / Year 11 / and Grade 11 / Year 12 / (first semester). http://www.cpisp.bh/application/application.aspx.
Tamkeen: Public authority established in August 2006, tasked with supporting Bahrain’s private sector and positioning it as the key driver of economic growth and development. Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030 has been established to lay the foundations of new economic opportunities with the guiding principles of sustainability, competitiveness, and innovation. https://www.tamkeen.bh/.
American Association of University Women (International Fellowships): Awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not US citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited US institutions are supported. Recipients are selected for academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to women and girls. Recipients return to their home countries to become leaders in business, government, academia, community activism, the arts, and sciences. (Private) https://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/educational-funding-and-awards/international-fellowships/
All scholarship opportunities are listed at: https://www.bermudascholarships.com/SitePages/scholarship-search.aspx#
Undergraduate Scholarship (Department of Adult and Higher Education): http://www.dahe.gov.bt/images/pdf/UG-Scholarship-Annoucement-2019.pdf
See regional scholarships.
Top Achievers Scholarship (Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology): Avail opportunity for a select number of students, who would have completed secondary education with outstanding academic performance to pursue careers that are of strategic importance in terms of driving the economic diversification agenda of the Republic of Botswana. Motivates young people at secondary education level to strive to excel and going recognition in their studies, enroll and learn at the best environments to realize their potential. Creates a pool of young professionals and/or exceptional leaders for the country and its economy. https://educationusa.state.gov/scholarships/top-achievers-scholarship
See regional scholarships.
Ministry of Education Scholarship http://www.moe.gov.bn/SitePages/Scholarship%20Section.aspx Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brunei Darussalam): http://mfa.gov.bn/Pages/BDScholarship.aspx
Civil Society Leadership Awards (Open Society Foundation): https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/grants/civil-society-leadership-award
Manitoba Student Aid Program: Federal Canada Student Loans and provincial Manitoba Student Loans (Government) (https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/msa/)
Arts Graduate Scholarships (Alberta Learning Information Service Alberta Scholarship Program): To provide assistance to students who demonstrated outstanding ability in the arts pursue graduate study. (Government) https://goo.gl/UAYFR3
Dr. Robert and Anna Shaw Scholarships (ALIS, Alberta Scholarship Program): To recognize and reward the academic and leadership accomplishments of three students graduating from Sexsmith Secondary School who are entering post-secondary studies. (Government) https://alis.alberta.ca/
BECAS Chile (CONICYT) graduate and PhD studies. Scholarships For Postgraduate Studies In Chile And Abroad https://www.conicyt.cl/becasconicyt/postulantes/oferta-becas/ FONDART: https://www.fondosdecultura.cl
Jóvenes Talentos Scholarship (ICETEX): Colombian applicants are eligible for an ICETEX loan/scholarship of up to $20,000,000 COP for programs between 12-24 months of duration. New York Film Academy will also award $8,500 USD to any student who is accepted to the 1- or 2-year programs, and is approved by ICETEX. (Government) https://portal.icetex.gov.co/Portal/Home/HomeEstudiante/becas/becas-para-estudios-en-el-exterior/artistas-jovenes-talentos/
CONAPE: http://www.conape.go.cr
Bakala Foundation: provides financial support to high-achieving students who intend to study at a top academic institution abroad. Offered in partnership with Fondation Zdenek et Michaela Bakala, in Switzerland, the scholarship is designed to help ambitious young people fulfill their academic and personal potential. https://www.bakalafoundation.org/en/programy/scholarship/
Kellner Family Foundation Grants:
Grants For Studies and Research in the USA and Denmark (The Danish-American Fulbright Commission): https://educationusa.state.gov/scholarships/danish-american-fulbright-commission-grants-studies-and-research-usa-and-denmark
State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU): The rates are indicative, and it is your Danish educational institution that finally determines the maximum amount you can receive in a scholarship abroad for your study abroad. This is because it is your Danish educational institution that decides on a scholarship abroad for study abroad: https://www.su.dk/udland/
US Timor-Leste Scholarship Program (American Councils): undergraduate degree studies. https://ustlscholarship.org/index.php?action=view_eligibility
IECE Ecuador (Instituto de Fomento al Talento Humano) Students from Ecuador who are accepted to NYFA are eligible to receive a student loan for international studies of up to $50,000 USD (Government) https://www.fomentoacademico.gob.ec/becas/
SENESCYT: http://servicios.senescyt.gob.ec/proceso/becas/
Ecuadorian Scholars Fund (Juventud Ecuatoriana): http://juventudecuatoriana.org/esf/
Kela: https://www.kela.fi/web/en/financial-aid-for-students-how-to-apply
ERASMUS: https://www.erasmusprogramme.com/
LEPLE International Education Center: http://iec.gov.ge
GuateFuturo (New York Film Academy): Students accepted to NYFA are eligible for $25,000 USD per year for master studies and living expenses. If a student is selected by GuateFuturo, NYFA automatically awards $10,000 per year as well. https://guatefuturo.org
International Scholarship (Programa Presidencial Becas Honduras 20/20): https://becashonduras2020.gob.hn/
HONDUFUTURO: http://www.hondufuturo.org/planear-un-posgrado-en-el-exterior/financiacion/
Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education – graduate studies https://educationusa.state.gov/scholarships/indonesia-endowment-fund-education-lpdp-lembaga-pengelola-dana-pendidikan
Darmasiswa (Ministry of National Education): http://darmasiswa.kemdikbud.go.id
See regional scholarship.
John R. Mott Scholarships (John R. Mott Scholarship Foundation): Applicants must be natives to the region of Calabria, Italy who are enrolled at any university or graduate school in the fall of current year and seeking an education leading to a degree or professional certificate. Recipients will be selected based on academic achievement and financial need. Consideration is also given to the candidate’s past and intended future contributions to the region. (Private) http://www.mottscholarship.org/scholar/eligibility-EN.asp
Jasso Scholarship (Japan Student Services Organization): https://www.jasso.go.jp/ryugaku/study_a/scholarship/haken/
Tobitate Japan Scholarship Program: The public private scholarship gives scholarships for Japanese high school and university students for short term study abroad https://www.tobitate.mext.go.jp/univ/program/planning/index.html
See regional scholarships.
Bolashak Program (JSC – Center for International Programs): https://www.bolashak.gov.kz/en/novosti/1133-rezultaty-zasedaniya-respublikanskoj-komissii-po-podgotovke-kadrov-za-rubezhom.html
The Korean Ancestry Grant (William Orr Dingwall Foundation): The exact number of Korean Ancestry Grants will be decided both by the number of exceptional candidates and by the amount of available Foundation funds. https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/south-korean/the-korean-ancestry-grant
Kosovo American Education Fund Graduate Fellowship Program (KAEF): https://www.kaef-online.org/?action=view_apply
Kosovo Transformational Leadership Program (World Learning): Under TLP-SP, nearly 300 Kosovars will receive master’s degrees and professional certificates from US universities. Alumni return to Kosovo to work in key institutions, especially in the public sector, where they utilize their new knowledge and skills to create positive change. Along with the scholarships component, World Learning and its partners are working with the University of Prishtina (UP) – the largest and most influential university in Kosovo – to transform the institution’s capacity to prepare graduates to meet the needs of the growing economy and developing state. https://www.worldlearning.org/program/kosovo-transformational-leadership-program-scholarships-partnerships/
Transformational Leadership Program (USAID): The purpose of this scholarship is to develop a cadre of leaders to drive significant change in Kosovo in priority economic, political, and social development areas. http://usaid-tlp-sp.org/En/ma-and-professional-certificate/24/tlp-sp-master-s-degree-scholarships-program/
MOHE Scholarship (Ministry of Higher Education): http://www.kuwaitculture.com/mohe/home
Libyan-North America Scholarship Program: (Canadian Bureau of International Education) https://cbie.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Academic-Student-Guidelines-USA.pdf
Reserve Bank of Malawi: https://www.rbm.mw/#
Malaysian Government’s Scholarship for Film or Art Study: https://mdec.my
Graduate Excellence Program Scholarship (MARA): www.mara.gov.my
Yayasan Khazanah: www.yayasankhazanah.com.my
Yayasan Sime Darby: http://www.yayasansimedarby.com/scholarship/scholarship-information-malaysia
Yayasan Saba Group: http://www.yayasansabahgroup.org.my/ucsf.cfm
FONCA-CONACYT (Sistema de Informacion Cultural): This is a multidisciplinary financial aid opportunity to stimulate the education and development of Mexican creatives and researchers by helping them obtain scholarships for postgraduate and PhD programs for studies oriented toward research and professionalization. These opportunities are available for visual arts, architecture, design, dance, cultural studies, literature, audiovisual media, music, restoration of cultural heritage, and theatre. https://sic.cultura.gob.mx/ficha.php?table=convocatoria&table_id=191
US Mexico Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange: www.comexus.org.mx
Magdalena Vda. De Brockman Scholarship (BECAS MOB): www.becasmob.org.mx
Fiderh (Banco de Mexico): http://www.fiderh.org.mx/calendario.html
Professional Development Scholarship Program (OAS): http://www.oas.org/en/scholarships/PDSP/2018/PDSP-OpenCallScholarshipsProposals2018-EN.pdf
FULBRIGHT (COMEXUS): Through the Fulbright-Garcia Robles Scholarship, COMEXUS supports students, researchers, and professors for postgraduate programs, research, and teaching abroad. These programs are financed by both Mexico and the US and, in small part, by companies and donations of private foundations.
There is one call for entries every year at the very beginning of the year. http://www.comexus.org.mx/posgrado_eua.php
If you need more information about Mexico Scholarships and Financing you may also contact Cesar Mercado in our Mexico Office by email or by phone at +521 55 1014 5067 and +521 55 4395 0375
HIAS Chicago Ludmila Smolyansky Empowerment Scholarship for Women (HIAS): https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/moldovan/hias-chicago-ludmila-smolyansky-empowerment-scholarship-for-women
Dr. Gombojab Hangin Memorial Scholarship: To be given to a student of Mongolian heritage, defined as an individual of Mongolian ethnic origins, who has permanent residency in Mongolia, the People’s Republic of China, or the former Soviet Union to pursue studies in the United States of America. The amount of the award may be up to US $2,500. The award does not include transportation from the recipient’s country to the United States nor does it include board and lodging at the university where the recipient will study. http://www.abroadplanet.com/scholarships/mongolia-society/
Myanmar Ministry of Education: http://www.moe.gov.mm/en/
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds: https://www.cultuurfonds.nl/fondsen
Holland Scholarship (Nuffic): https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/holland-scholarship/
Betty Hansen National Scholarship (Danish Sisterhood of America): https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/dutch/betty-hansen-national-scholarship
Graduate Stipend (NORAM): https://noram.no/graduate-stipender/
State Educational Loan Fund (Lanekassen): At Bachelor’s level, tuition support is given as 50 percent grant and 50 percent loan on the first NOK 68 400 you pay in tuition fees. Any tuition support beyond this is in the form of a loan, up to a maximum of NOK 133 752 per year. At Master’s level, tuition support is given as 70 percent grant and 30 percent loan on the first NOK 68 400 kr you pay in tuition fees. Any tuition support beyond this is in the form of a loan, up to a maximum of NOK 133 752 kr per year: https://www.lanekassen.no/nb-NO/Languages/norwegian-students-abroad/examples-of-funding-/
Eckbos Legat: https://www.eckbos-legat.no/Soeke-om-stoette
Jansons Legat: https://www.jansonslegat.no/Soeknad
University of Oman External Scholarship (Ministry of Higher Education): https://mohe.gov.om/InnerPage.aspx?id=612cd2b4-f14c-4f48-9dc0-1fa809efe308&culture=en
Panama Bilingue (Embassy of Panama): https://www.embassyofpanama.org/
SENACYT: https://www.senacyt.gob.pa
Becas Internacionales (IFARHU): https://www.ifarhu.gob.pa
National Scholarship Program Abroad “Don Carlos Antonio Lopez” (CONACYT): http://www.conacyt.gov.py/becasenelexterior
Beca 18 (PRONABEC): https://www.pronabec.gob.pe/becas_pronabec/
Programa Credito Beca Reto Excelencia (SERVIR): https://www.retoexcelencia.gob.pe
QF Merit Based Scholarship (Qatar Foundation): https://next.qf.org.qa/education/student-financial-services/ Qatar
Olympic Committee Scholarship Programme (Qatar Olympic Committee): https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/24946299/qatar-olympic-committee-scholarship-programme
Algarysh Tatarstan (American Councils For International Education): http://alga.tatarstan.ru/rus/o_grante.htm
Russian Presidential Scholarship (Centre for Scholarships and Charitable Programmes):
https://www.hse.ru/en/scholarships/presidential Algarysh Tatarstan
(American Councils For International Education): http://alga.tatarstan.ru/rus/o_grante.htm HIAS Chicago Ludmila
Smolyansky Empowerment Scholarship for Women (HIAS): https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/moldovan/hias-chicago-ludmila-smolyansky-empowerment-scholarship-for-women
Saudi Cultural Mission (SACM): https://www.sacm.org/
Misk Fellowship and Traineeship (Misk Foundation): https://misk.org.sa/fellowship/about/
Saudi Aramco: https://www.aramcoservices.com/
Your Job First and Then Your Scholarship Program (Ministry of Education): https://ksp.moe.gov.sa/
See regional scholarships.
Public Service Commission: https://www.psc.gov.sg/home
A*STAR Scholarships (Agency for Science, Technology, and Research): https://www.a-star.edu.sg/Scholarships/Overview
Singapore-Industry Scholarship: https://www.singaporeindustryscholarship.sg
SPH Journalism Scholarship (Singapore Press Holdings): https://www.sph.com.sg/careers-scholarships/scholarship-opportunities/
Slovene Arts & Culture Residencies Programme (Slovenia Ministry of Culture): Artists Residencies available in New York (Government) https://www.culture.si/en/Slovene_Arts_%26_Culture_Residency,_New_York
Sponsorships & Thusano Fund (National Youth Development Agency): With Thusano meaning “helping hand,” the Fund functions over and above the organizations’ sponsorships and is aimed at assisting small scale, immediate necessities. (Government) http://www.nyda.gov.za/Products-Services/Sponsorships-Thusano-Fund
National Arts Council (Agency of the Department of Arts & Culture): Funding is available for arts projects and bursaries in the field of the arts. The NAC offers individual bursaries at the postgraduate level only. Bursaries for undergraduate students are offered through education and training institutions. (Government) http://www.nac.org.za/funding-overview/
Programa de Becas Argos para el Desarrollo Regional (Fundacion Argos): https://fundacionargos.org/que-hacemos/Categoria/becas?id=5425
La Caixa Foundation (Caixa Bank): https://obrasociallacaixa.org/es/educacion-becas
Ministry of Education and Research: https://www.government.se/government-of-sweden/ministry-of-education-and-research/
Swedish Board of Student Finance: https://www.csn.se/languages/english.html
HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Scholarship: http://royalscholarship.buu.ac.th/2016/index.php
Peter J. Hengel Thai Scholarship Program: https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/thai/peter-j-hengel-thai-scholarship-program
Turkish Consulate General in NYC: http://newyork.meb.gov.tr
Turkey Ministry of National Education: https://www.meb.gov.tr/meb_haberindex.php?LIST=&KATEGORINO=&SAYFANO=5&dil=en
Turkish Gendarmerie General Command: http://www.fiep.org/member-forces/turkish-gendarmerie/
Prep4Sucess (American Councils): http://americancouncilstm.org/p4s/
WNISEF Seed Grant Program: http://seedgrant.org/
Film Scholarship (BAFTA): Provides scholarships for British graduate students anywhere in the US. Last year we gave over $80,000 of scholarships to British students studying film or film-related disciplines (such as film composition, production design, entertainment business studies etc.). Students should email this address (baftastudents@baftala.org) to request the application form. We also accept applications from students who have been recently accepted, or who are awaiting word of acceptance.
BUNAC: https://www.bunac.org/usa
National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII): www.anii.org.uy
Islam Karimov Foundation: http://fondkarimov.uz/en/about-fund/scholarships/
Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (World Learning): www.worldlearning.org Provides non-degree undergraduate study abroad in the United States on a competitive basis to university students from Afghanistan, Algeria, Belarus, El Salvador, India, Iraq, Kosovo, Lebanon, Malawi, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ukraine.
The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program is open to anyone who is/has:
– over 18 years of age;
– a citizen of a UGRAD participating country, currently residing in that country;
– enrolled as an undergraduate in good standing at any accredited university, public or private, and has at least one semester remaining at their home university at the conclusion of the UGRAD program;
– completed secondary education in their home country;
– a solid command of written and spoken English (English Language training for some finalists is possible);
– able to begin studies in the United States in August 2019 or January 2020 (selected participants may not defer to a later date);
– eligible to receive and maintain the US student exchange visa (J-1) required for the program;
– cleared by a physician to participate in the program; committed to returning to their home country after the completion of the program.
Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (IREX): https://www.irex.org
Fulbright Foreign Student Program (IIE, LASPAU, and AMIDEAST depending on country/region or by the bi-national Fulbright Commission of the sending country): https://foreign.fulbrightonline.org
USAID Programs (World Learning, IIE): https://www.usaid.gov
Baltic American Freedom Foundation: http://balticamericanfreedomfoundation.org
IsDB Scholarship Programs (Islamic Development Bank): https://www.isdb.org/get-involved/scholarship-programme
Diana Kamal Scholarship Program (AMIDEAST): https://www.amideast.org/our-work/find-a-scholarship/undergraduate-study/dkssf/diana-kamal-scholarship-search-fund-dkssf
APIASF Scholarships (Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund): Supports and encourages all Asian and Pacific Islander American students to pursue higher education by developing future leaders who will contribute back to their communities. (Private) https://bit.ly/2RPkGuf
Senyk Memorial Scholarships (The Yukon Foundation): Applicants must be 4th or 5th year post-secondary students, or Master’s or equivalent. (Private) https://bit.ly/2RPkGuf
Latino Employee Resource Group Scholarship: (Pacific Gas & Electric Company): Amount $1000 – $2000. This employee group’s mission is to inspire Latinos to achieve their full potential at all levels within PG&E and the community, emphasizing leadership development, quality service, youth achievement, and appreciation for cultural diversity. All majors eligible; none required. (Corporate) https://bit.ly/2nUk360
Gay Asian Pacific Alliance Foundation Scholarship (Gay Asian Pacific Alliance): Award $5,000. Provides financial assistance to students in high school, undergraduate, graduate, or professional or trade or vocational school who express activism in the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) and/or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities. Applicants should have a strong history of activism within either the API and/or LGBTQ communities; however, applicants need not identify as either to apply. Preference will be given to those who identify as both API and LGBTQ. (Private) https://gapafoundation.org/scholarships/
Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy (OWLAG): http://owlag.co.za
East African Development Bank: https://eadb.org
West Africa Management Services LLC: http://wamsc.com
Open Society Scholarship Programs: www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/programs/scholarship-programs
SHE CAN: www.shecan.global
Marine Debris Creative Advocacy Competition: (NOAA) https://bowseat.org/programs/advocacy-competition/overview/
US & Canada Grant (Margaret McNamara Education Grants): Open to women from developing countries who are currently studying in the US. See more: http://www.mmeg.org/apply/. See country eligibility list: http://www.mmeg.org/eligibility-country-list
Resume Template Design Scholarships (VelvetJobs): Applicants must be US or international college or university undergraduate and graduate students. (Private) https://bit.ly/2Ux06AG
TrustedPros Scholarships (TrustedPros Inc.): Applicants must be Canadian or US residents enrolled in an accredited Canadian or US college, university or trade school; have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. (Private) https://bit.ly/2QqQNE9
The Jeff Iorilla And Roel Hinojosa Scholarship For Liberal Arts (PFLAG National): Eligibility: Be a graduating high school senior entering higher education for the first time that identifes as either a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender person, or as a supporter of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people; demonstrate an interest in service to the LGBT community; have applied to an accredited higher education institution in pursuit of either an associate degree leading to transfer credits towards a bachelor’s degree, or a bachelor’s degree program at a four-year college. https://www.internationalstudent.com/scholarships/1302/The+Jeff+Iorilla+And+Roel+Hinojosa+Scholarship+For+Liberal+Arts
Phyllis Craig Scholarship Fund (WOMEN IN ANIMATION): Open to women (or those identifying as female) who are full-time students at an institute of learning that is offering courses in animation and accredited by a recognized accreditation organization (Corporate) http://womeninanimation.org/scholarship/
Mister Rogers Memorial Scholarship (Scholarship Committee): The Television Academy Foundation’s Mister Rogers Memorial Scholarship Program awards two scholarships to graduating seniors (must be continuing directly to graduate school) and graduate students (master’s or PhD) to support and encourage them to pursue a career in children’s media and further the values and principles of Fred Rogers’s work. The scholarships are project-based and may not be used for tuition. Applicants must have the ultimate goal of working in children’s media. (Private) https://bit.ly/2zYKIV8
International Peace Scholarship (Philanthropic Educational Organization): Award amount: $7,500 – $12,500. The PEO International Peace Scholarship Fund is a program which provides grants-in-aid for selected women from other countries for graduate study in the United States and Canada. If you hold citizenship or permanent residency in the United States or Canada, you are not eligible. Scholarships are not given for research, internships, dissertations or travel. In order to qualify for a first scholarship, you must have a full year of coursework remaining and be enrolled full-time and on campus for the entire school year. We do not fund online courses. (Corporate) https://www.petersons.com/scholarship/international-peace-scholarship-111_181862.aspx
NCTA/AWM Scholarship (Alliance for Women in Media Foundation): The Internet and Television Association Scholarship allows a deserving female communications/media undergraduate or graduate student to create an original piece (essay, digital short, video, animation or other concept chosen by the student) that will be featured in NCTA and AWMF media distribution channels. In addition, the chosen student will receive a scholarship to their educational institution for $5,000 and a ticket to attend the Women in Media event in the Fall. (Private) https://allwomeninmedia.org/foundation/scholarships/
Scholarship for Cancer Survivors (Bristol-Myers Squibb): Award amount: $10,000. This scholarship program was created to assist cancer survivors who plan to continue their education in college or vocational school programs. (Corporate) https://learnmore.scholarsapply.org/cancer-survivors/
Blended and Online Learning Scholarship Program (The Foundation for Blended and Online Learning): Award: $10,000. For high school seniors who have completed a minimum of five (5) blended and/or online courses during their last two years of high school and plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school for the entire upcoming academic year. All students who meet this prerequisite are invited to apply, and scholarships are not granted based upon financial need. (Private) https://www.blendedandonlinelearning.org/scholarship-program
Bonnie Tiegel Memorial Scholarship Program (CBS Television Distribution): Award: $2,500. For students pursuing an undergraduate degree in broadcast journalism, communications, or journalism. Applicants must be high school seniors, high school graduates, or current postsecondary undergraduates, and must be planning to enroll in full-time undergraduate study for the entire upcoming academic year. (Corporate) https://www.studentscholarshipsearch.com/scholarships/bonnie-tiegel-memorial-scholarship-program
Global Study IELTS Awards (British Council): Award: £10,000. Offered for bachelor’s or master’s degree in the field of any chosen program at admitted university. This scholarship is open to all nationalities. (Corporate) https://www.wemakescholars.com/scholarship/global-study-ielts-awards
New York Film Academy accepts students sponsored through the organizations listed below. Please visit the respective websites to see the requirements for becoming a sponsored student:
– FULBRIGHT is an organization that administers grants for sponsored students, mainly for Master’s programs, from countries outside the US. www.fulbright.state.gov
– AMIDEAST is an organization that administers grants for sponsored students from the Mideast and North Africa. www.amideast.org
– THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES (OAS) offers scholarships through its Academic Scholarship Program (Regular Program) every year for the pursuit of Master’s Degrees, Doctoral Degrees, and Graduate Research leading to a university degree. The OAS also has a Special Caribbean Scholarships Program (SPECAF), which grants scholarships for the last two years of undergraduate studies to citizens and residents of the English-speaking Caribbean OAS Member States and Suriname.