15-Week Online Writing for TV Spec Workshop

Learn How To Write a Spec Script at NYFA

In the television industry, a spec script is a script of an existing series, written to demonstrate the writer’s ability to master the style, format and voice of a show they did not create. In this 15-Week Online Television Spec Workshop, students learn how to write a spec script by studying half-hour and hour-long television series currently on the air, while learning the basics of television structure and format. They will then develop an episode idea and write a spec episode.

This course is offered during our Spring and Fall starts.

Students meet once per week – on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific Time/8 pm Eastern Time – for 3 hours in two 1.5-hour sessions with a 30-minute break.

Workshop DescriptionWorkshop Name: 15-Week Online Television Spec Workshop

During this online workshop, students learn how to develop ideas for an existing TV series, and how to examine and analyze the structure and story engine for shows already on the air. Once they pick a series, students develop an episode idea, break it down to fit the structure of the series, and then write a spec episode.

This course is offered during our Spring and Fall starts.

Students meet once per week – on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific Time/8 pm Eastern Time – for 3 hours in two 1.5-hour sessions with a 30-minute break.

To learn more about NYFA’s screenwriting workshops, see NYFA’s Course Catalog or request more information.

15-Week Online Writing for TV Spec Workshop

Location Program Start Date and End Date Tuition

September 2, 2025 – December 16, 2025

May 6, 2026 – August 16, 2026

Tuition and Equipment & Technology Fee


Technology Fee:$0

Wellness Services & Programming Fee:N/A


Mickey Fonseca  

Mickey Fonseca

Writer | Director | Producer

Banky Wellington AKA Banky W  

Banky Wellington AKA Banky W


Malena Vain  

Malena Vain



Please note: Equipment, curriculum, and projects are subject to change and may vary depending on location. Students should consult the most recently published campus catalog for the most up-to-date curriculum.