Online Programs
For students who wish to attend NYFA virtually, we offer a range of online programs including an Online Master of Arts (MA) in Entrepreneurial Producing and Innovation. Students may also choose from full-time and part-time workshops held throughout the year. These “Hands-Online” workshops are active creative learning experiences where you will participate, from home, in every class, interact with your teacher and classmates, and create original work. Each workshop includes live interactive instruction, group meetings, and additional one-on-one consultations with the instructor.
We recommend that anyone that attends our online programs have a strong, stable internet connection and a quiet place to work. In some programs, instructors may ask that students acquire additional storage for their files.
Online Degrees
Online Short-Term and Evening
Workshops for Adults
Unlike other online courses, in NYFA’s Hands-Online workshops, you will meet your professors and your classmates in the virtual classroom, share your ideas and collaborate on your projects.
This is not just a series of videos to watch and prompts to answer like many other online courses. The NYFA hands-online workshop is a real studio course in the online environment.
Online Weekend Camps for Teens and Kids
NYFA offer a selection of immersive online programs for teens and kids. The workshops are active and creative learning experiences where students participate from home. Throughout the course, students interact with teachers and classmates, creating their own original work and projects.