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Student Resources

5 Performances By Child Actors That Every Actor Can Learn From

…in performances that every actor can learn from. 1. Jodie Foster – Taxi Driver Jodie Foster has had a long and successful career in Hollywood and it all started…

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Student Resources

Coen Brothers: 5 Essential Filmography Highlights

…Coen movie. Must Watch If: You want to watch two incredible filmmakers perform magic on a budget. Fargo (The Crime Thriller) From the most obscure to possibly the most-watched…

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Student Resources

6 of the Best Environmental Documentaries

…Eye opening and horrifying in equal measure, it wholly deserved the Emmy which it went on to win. Dirt! The Movie (2009) Based on the book Dirt: The Ecstatic…

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Student Resources

Stop Motion Animation: 5 Award-Winning Stop Motion Films

…of recognition for his short Fresh Guacamole: PES himself has picked up a great number of awards for his quirky stop motion to date, but Fresh Guacamole in particular…

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Student Resources

Top 5 Action Movies Every Actor Should Watch

… Even the most interesting man in the world has a keen interest in James Bond. He is quite possibly the greatest and most successful action hero ever created by…

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Student Resources

5 Scrapped Star Wars Ideas that Would Have Changed EVERYTHING

…your father.” How This Could Have Played Out: “A hugely different plot twist, because the line was originally “Obi-Wan killed your father.” This was actually in the script circulated…

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Student Resources

5 Stars Of Hollywood’s Golden Age

…familiarize yourself with the acting canon. 1. Fred Astaire Talk about a triple threat! This talented man was an actor, dancer, singer and choreographer. His successful film and television…

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