Screenwriting Projects

Build Your Screenwriting Portfolio at NYFA

At NYFA’s Screenwriting School, students complete a variety of scripts and projects to prepare them for the unique challenges of screenwriting. Students learn the tools and techniques required to craft compelling stories, building up discipline as a writer and mastering the screenwriting process.

In longer programs, students build a wealth of work and experience in screenwriting, gradually crafting a screenwriting portfolio. The degree programs also allow students to branch out into topics such as comic books, game design, and graphic novels. In shorter programs, students learn the fundamentals of the craft, developing content such as a treatment and a script.

The screenwriting programs are available at multiple campuses. The projects listed below are examples of the type of work that students complete at NYFA and not an all-encompassing list. Projects will vary by location and are subject to change. For more information, please see our course catalog.

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Projects By Degree Program

Short Feature Film Treatments

The short treatments are 3-7 page documents outlining the characters, themes, and plot of an unwritten feature film. It helps sell the idea to producers, but it also helps the writer map out what they intend to write before the start the script process.

Feature-Length Film Screenplay

A screenplay for a feature film that is usually between 90-120 pages of script.

Fully Revised Feature-Length Film Screenplay

A second draft of a feature film screenplay, revised based on notes received in workshop classes.

Short Genre Feature Screenplay Treatment

The short treatments are 3-7 page documents outlining the characters, themes, and plot of an as of yet unwritten feature film. It helps sell the idea to producers, but it also helps the writer map out what they intend to write before the start the script process. This treatment is for a film of a specific genre, one that was covered in the genre studies class.

Adaptation Treatment or Outline

The short treatments are 3-7 page documents outlining the characters, themes, and plot of an as of yet unwritten feature film. It helps sell the idea to producers, but it also helps the writer map out what they intend to write before the start the script process. This treatment is for a film adapted from source material – such as a novel, play, or comic.

TV Series One-Hour Episode Spec Script

A one-hour television drama spec script is a 60 page script for an episode that would fit into a pre-existing one-hour drama television series. Please note that in the BFA, AFA, and 1-Year Certificate program, students may need to choose between completing a One-Hour Episode Script and a Half-Hour Episode Script. MFA students complete both projects.

TV Series Half-Hour Episode Spec Script

A half-hour television comedy spec script is a 30-35 page script for an episode that would fit into a pre-existing half-hour comedy television series.

Television Pilot Script and Series Bible

The series proposal/bible outlines the characters, themes, world, and story engine (the source of recurring conflicts) for an original one-hour drama or half-hour comedy television series. This document helps sell the idea and series to producers and helps the writer map out the series before they write the pilot. A pilot script is the first episode of the television series and is either for a one-hour drama (approximately 60 pages) or half-hour comedy script (approximately 30-35 pages).

TV Series Short Proposal

The short proposals are less detailed series proposals/bibles for additional one-hour drama or half-hour comedy television series. These focus on the core idea central characters and the series story engine (source for recurring conflicts).

Short Film Script and Film (3-5 Min)

Students write a short 3-5 page script, then produce and edit their own short film.

Original Transmedia Franchise Bible

A transmedia franchise is a story world that can sustain stories across multiple media platforms – such as web series, comic, game, and more. The transmedia bible includes proposals for the different media planned for a story world franchise. This transmedia bible must contain the web series bible as well as one-sheet proposals for either a comic book or game.

Web Series Proposal

A proposal for a web series laying out the world (which should be part of the Franchise story world), characters, and storylines.

Projects By Degree Program

Short Feature Film Treatments

The short treatments are 3-7 page documents outlining the characters, themes, and plot of an unwritten feature film. It helps sell the idea to producers, but it also helps the writer map out what they intend to write before the start the script process.

Feature-Length Film Screenplay

A screenplay for a feature film that is usually between 90-120 pages of script.

Revised Feature-Length Film Screenplay

A second draft of a feature film screenplay, revised based on notes received in workshop classes.

Short Genre Feature Screenplay Treatment

The short treatments are 3-7 page documents outlining the characters, themes, and plot of an as of yet unwritten feature film. It helps sell the idea to producers, but it also helps the writer map out what they intend to write before the start the script process. This treatment is for a film of a specific genre, one that was covered in the genre studies class.

TV Series One-Hour Episode Spec Script

A one-hour television drama spec script is a 60 page script for an episode that would fit into a pre-existing one-hour drama television series. Please note that in the BFA, AFA, and 1-Year Certificate program, students may need to choose between completing a One-Hour Episode Script and a Half-Hour Episode Script. MFA students complete both projects.

TV Series Half-Hour Episode Spec Script

A half-hour television comedy spec script is a 30-35 page script for an episode that would fit into a pre-existing half-hour comedy television series.

Television Pilot Script and Series Bible

The series proposal/bible outlines the characters, themes, world, and story engine (the source of recurring conflicts) for an original one-hour drama or half-hour comedy television series. This document helps sell the idea and series to producers and helps the writer map out the series before they write the pilot. A pilot script is the first episode of the television series and is either for a one-hour drama (approximately 60 pages) or half-hour comedy script (approximately 30-35 pages).

TV Series Short Proposal

The short proposals are less detailed series proposals/bibles for additional one-hour drama or half-hour comedy television series. These focus on the core idea central characters and the series story engine (source for recurring conflicts).

Short Film Script and Film (3-5 Min)

Students write a short 3-5 page script, then produce and edit their own short film.

1-Year Certificate Program

Short Feature Film Treatments

The short treatments are 3-7 page documents outlining the characters, themes, and plot of an unwritten feature film. It helps sell the idea to producers, but it also helps the writer map out what they intend to write before the start the script process.

Feature-Length Film Screenplay

A screenplay for a feature film that is usually between 90-120 pages of script.

Revised Feature-Length Film Screenplay

A screenplay for a feature film that is usually between 90-120 pages of script.

Short Genre Feature Screenplay Treatment

The short treatments are 3-7 page documents outlining the characters, themes, and plot of an as of yet unwritten feature film. It helps sell the idea to producers, but it also helps the writer map out what they intend to write before the start the script process. This treatment is for a film of a specific genre, one that was covered in the genre studies class.

TV Series One-Hour Episode Spec Script

A one-hour television drama spec script is a 60 page script for an episode that would fit into a pre-existing one-hour drama television series. Please note that in the BFA, AFA, and 1-Year Certificate program, students may need to choose between completing a One-Hour Episode Script and a Half-Hour Episode Script. MFA students complete both projects.

TV Series Half-Hour Episode Spec Script

A half-hour television comedy spec script is a 30-35 page script for an episode that would fit into a pre-existing half-hour comedy television series.

Television Pilot Script and Series Bible

The series proposal/bible outlines the characters, themes, world, and story engine (the source of recurring conflicts) for an original one-hour drama or half-hour comedy television series. This document helps sell the idea and series to producers and helps the writer map out the series before they write the pilot. A pilot script is the first episode of the television series and is either for a one-hour drama (approximately 60 pages) or half-hour comedy script (approximately 30-35 pages).

TV Series Short Proposal

The short proposals are less detailed series proposals/bibles for additional one-hour drama or half-hour comedy television series. These focus on the core idea central characters and the series story engine (source for recurring conflicts).

Short Film Script and Film (3-5 Min)

Students write a short 3-5 page script, then produce and edit their own short film.

Projects By Workshop

Short Feature Film Treatments

The short treatments are 3-7 page documents outlining the characters, themes, and plot of an unwritten feature film. It helps sell the idea to producers, but it also helps the writer map out what they intend to write before the start the script process.

Full Comic Book Proposal and Script

The proposal contains a one-sheet overview and outlines the project or series. The comic book script is formatted to communicate with a comic book artist, and lays out the pages, panels, descriptions, and lettering for all pages. The comic issue or chapter makes up 18-24 pages of comic book material. For students in our degree programs, this project is only completed in this elective.

Television Pilot Script and Series Bible

The series proposal/bible outlines the characters, themes, world, and story engine (the source of recurring conflicts) for an original one-hour drama or half-hour comedy television series. This document helps sell the idea and series to producers and helps the writer map out the series before they write the pilot. A pilot script is the first episode of the television series and is either for a one-hour drama (approximately 60 pages) or half-hour comedy script (approximately 30-35 pages).

Please note: Equipment, curriculum, and projects are subject to change and may vary depending on location. Students should consult the most recently published campus catalogue for the most up-to-date course information.