
6 Lessons On-Screen Mothers Have Taught us About Acting
May 7, 2016 | Acting

6 Lessons On-Screen Mothers Have Taught us About Acting

Mothers: we salute you. You’ve cooked us countless meals. You’ve put up with our laundry-strewn bedroom floors. You’ve been a shoulder to cry on when we got snubbed by that…

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The Up-And-Coming Actors Performing At Coachella 2016
April 22, 2016 | Acting

The Up-And-Coming Actors Performing At Coachella 2016

It’s that time of year again—the days are longer, people’s calendars are filling up with more and more parties, and outdoor festivities are popping up more often than a jack-in-the-box…

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The Importance Of Subtext For Actors
March 25, 2016 | Acting

The Importance Of Subtext For Actors

Words are everything and nothing to an actor. A script is filled with words, all of which add up to a plot, theme, events, and characters but the actor is…

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Top 5 Famous Acting Quotes From Actors And Why They Matter
March 25, 2016 | Acting

Top 5 Famous Acting Quotes From Actors And Why They Matter

People love to pick the brains of experts in hope of uncovering some secret recipe for success in a given field. Have a political question? Ask a former President. Want…

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6 Outstanding Performances That Could Have Been Nominated For An Oscar in 2016
February 26, 2016 | Acting

6 Outstanding Performances That Could Have Been Nominated For An Oscar in 2016

Every year there are only five nominees in each of the four acting categories at the Academy Awards. As such, there is always disagreement among film fans and critics alike….

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Five Must-See Movies For President’s Day
February 15, 2016 | Acting

Five Must-See Movies For President’s Day

The presidents of past and present have afforded screenwriters with a lot of solid writing material, both in terms of their political careers and personal lives. With President’s Day upon…

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How To Analyze A Script For Actors
February 11, 2016 | How To's

How To Analyze A Script For Actors

All the activities we pursue in our daily lives have directions. When you drive on the road there are laws meant to prevent us from getting into accidents, when we…

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The Best Places For Actors To Be Seen In LA
February 10, 2016 | Acting

The Best Places For Actors To Be Seen In LA

Paparazzi, autograph hounds, and Hollywood socialites flock to the busy, over-priced clubs and bars on the Sunset Strip in hopes of meeting a famous face but that’s not what this…

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10 Alan Rickman Characters We’ll Always Treasure
January 20, 2016 | Acting

10 Alan Rickman Characters We’ll Always Treasure

January 2016 will be remembered primarily as a month in which we lost too many treasured artists. David Bowie and Lemmy Kilmister were among the most prominent, alongside a string…

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