
How To Budget As An Aspiring Actor
October 13, 2015 | How To's

How To Budget As An Aspiring Actor

Part of the allure of acting is the uncertainty, challenge, and endless opportunity. However, those things also make acting a difficult career to weather, especially at the beginning. Actors toil…

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How To Prepare For A General Audition
October 5, 2015 | How To's

How To Prepare For A General Audition

Once a year, most cities host a cattle call audition session that lasts for days and includes dozens of theater companies and hundreds of actors. In Seattle there’s the TPS…

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Top 5 Films Every Actor Should See
October 5, 2015 | Acting

Top 5 Films Every Actor Should See

Let’s be honest. All movies are not created equally. Some films stick with you long after you are finished watching them. A good film can touch your soul, evoke emotions,…

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Started From The Bottom: The Benefits Of Extra Work
October 5, 2015 | Acting

Started From The Bottom: The Benefits Of Extra Work

Before they were pulling down millions of dollars and working with the finest directors in the world, George Clooney, Channing Tatum, and Renee Zellwegger worked as extras. They had roles…

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7 Books Every Actor Needs To Read
October 5, 2015 | Acting

7 Books Every Actor Needs To Read

Some actors are born great, some actors achieve greatness, and some actors have greatness thrust upon them. No matter which of the three categories you fall into, reading books about…

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How To Find Your Type As An Actor
September 29, 2015 | How To's

How To Find Your Type As An Actor

Let’s talk about type. It’s not who you are, or what you do, or what you know that counts. Type, for an actor, is simply about what other people think…

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Top Five Plays For Actors
September 29, 2015 | Acting

Top Five Plays For Actors

Actors must familiarize themselves with the greatest works, analyze them, and learn from them to develop the timeless skills of the classically trained. Plus, odds are that you will come…

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5 Tips For Choosing An Audition Monologue
September 22, 2015 | Acting

5 Tips For Choosing An Audition Monologue

By the time an actor walks into the audition room, the audition has largely been won or lost based on their preparation. Thorough prep work leads to confidence, commitment, and,…

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The Importance Of Goal Setting For Actors
September 22, 2015 | Acting

The Importance Of Goal Setting For Actors

Stories of seemingly overnight success abound in show business. From living out of a car parked on a Hollywood side street one day, to headlining the biggest action film of…

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