
How To Find Your Next Acting Audition
September 11, 2015 | How To's

How To Find Your Next Acting Audition

You have a resume. You have a headshot, or something close. You have ruthlessly prepared a monologue, or maybe two, just to be safe. You know what type of character…

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In Favor Of The 48-Hour Film Festival For Actors
September 9, 2015 | Acting

In Favor Of The 48-Hour Film Festival For Actors

All across the land, one competition is taking filmmaking by storm. The 48-Hour Film Festival challenges production teams to make a short film in only two days’ time, which will…

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The Actor as a Craftsman
September 9, 2015 | Acting

The Actor as a Craftsman

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a craftsman as, “a person who makes beautiful objects by hand” or “a person who is very skilled at doing something.” The definition goes on to specify…

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CALLING ALL VOICE ACTORS! 3 Additional Skills That Will Help You Get Hired
September 9, 2015 | Acting

CALLING ALL VOICE ACTORS! 3 Additional Skills That Will Help You Get Hired

While voice acting is a legitimate profession, it is still a creative art form, and like any form of creativity, it does not exist in a vacuum. Voice over artists often…

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What Actors Can Learn From Athletes
August 31, 2015 | Acting

What Actors Can Learn From Athletes

History is riddled with the names of professional athletes who turned to professional acting after their playing careers. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Jordan, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and dozens of others…

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Answer: What is Method Acting?
August 31, 2015 | Acting

Answer: What is Method Acting?

Question: What is the acting technique, based on the principles of Stanislavsky that was popularized in 1930’s America by director Lee Strasberg at The Actors’ Studio, New York? If this…

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An Actor’s Secret Sauce: Shakespeare
August 27, 2015 | Acting

An Actor’s Secret Sauce: Shakespeare

Much has been made of the recent flood of British-trained actors being cast in American roles. In the last few years, Henry Cavill was cast as Superman, Christian Bale played…

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How to Audition For a Commercial
August 27, 2015 | How To's

How to Audition For a Commercial

Konstantin Stanislavsky once said, “There are no small roles, only small actors.” He was a theatre man and lived before the age of the television commercial. Were he alive now,…

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How to Make An Actor Demo Reel
August 27, 2015 | How To's

How to Make An Actor Demo Reel

In the long line of confounding acting advice, casting directors demand that actors have a demo reel if they are to take you seriously. However, in the same breath they…

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