
Stage vs. Screen: What’s the Big Difference?
August 14, 2015 | Acting

Stage vs. Screen: What’s the Big Difference?

Laurence Olivier, Meryl Streep, Daniel Day-Lewis, Marlon Brando, Judi Dench, Paul Newman… The list of actors goes on and on, but what do they all have in common? Each of…

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Don’t Dread It, Write It: A Guide To Acting Resumes
August 4, 2015 | Acting

Don’t Dread It, Write It: A Guide To Acting Resumes

Headshots get the bulk of the attention because they are the visual cue that immediately informs casting directors and agents of an actor’s type and range. However, for every headshot…

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Apples And Angels: Acting In New York VS Acting In Los Angeles
August 3, 2015 | Acting

Apples And Angels: Acting In New York VS Acting In Los Angeles

New York City and Los Angeles couldn’t be more different in terms of location and culture, but one thing they have is a thriving entertainment industry. Every year, thousands upon…

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The Art of Acting Alone
July 31, 2015 | Acting

The Art of Acting Alone

One of the most iconic scenes, from one of the most iconic trilogies of all-time, features an actor who is acting alone. Gollum Yes, precious, false! They will cheat you,…

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7 Easy Tips to Memorize a Monologue
July 28, 2015 | Acting

7 Easy Tips to Memorize a Monologue

Someone once asked themselves in a monologue, “To be, or not to be?” When it comes to monologues there are things you want to be, and things you do not…

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How To Ace Your Headshot Session
July 28, 2015 | How To's

How To Ace Your Headshot Session

  Imagine for a moment that you are a detective selecting a suspect from a series of mug shots. You would use the description you have to try to match…

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Voice Exercises for Actors
June 26, 2015 | Acting

Voice Exercises for Actors

Before Clark Gable was known as “The King of Hollywood” he spent years rigorously training his voice. His naturally high-pitched voice was lowered with better posture, body control, and breathing….

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Six Tips for Becoming An Actor
June 24, 2015 | Acting

Six Tips for Becoming An Actor

In the movie A League of Their Own Tom Hanks says, “If it wasn’t hard everyone would do it.” He was speaking of becoming a professional baseball player, but his…

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Tips To Nail Your Next Self-Tape Audition
May 27, 2015 | Acting

Tips To Nail Your Next Self-Tape Audition

Digitized casting is changing television and film for good. Actors are routinely expected to put themselves on tape for auditions; and often on short notice. We all became actors because…

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