Graphic Design

How to Make Your Own Animated GIFs
August 19, 2016 | Graphic Design

How to Make Your Own Animated GIFs

No matter where you go online, you’re sure to come across an animated GIF. Animated GIFs are short, looping videos made up of several still shots that for a while…

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Why Typography Matters
December 15, 2015 | Graphic Design

Why Typography Matters

As social animals, we humans have been using writing as one of the most fundamental forms of communication since our ancient ancestors. From those cave walls to the infinite pages…

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5 Top Graphic Designers In NYC
December 15, 2015 | Graphic Design

5 Top Graphic Designers In NYC

In comparison to other design fields, graphic design is a fairly new profession that only acquired serious professional status during the 1950s and 60s. Since then, however, there have been…

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Five Famous Graphic Designers Who Changed The Industry Forever
July 28, 2015 | Graphic Design

Five Famous Graphic Designers Who Changed The Industry Forever

Much of the process of finding your own style in graphic design involves surveying what has come before you and building upon it, as well as getting to grips with…

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9 Must-Watch Illustration And Graphic Design Documentaries
July 28, 2015 | Graphic Design

9 Must-Watch Illustration And Graphic Design Documentaries

Documentaries about design, typography, and illustration don’t usually rise to the forefront of public conscience, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some superb viewing out there for those who are…

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Four Of The Hottest Graphic Design Trends For 2015
May 13, 2015 | Graphic Design

Four Of The Hottest Graphic Design Trends For 2015

Graphic design – particularly for the web – changes at a notoriously fast pace. What may have been considered vogue one month, can be deemed as practically prehistoric just a…

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8 Graphic Design Conferences You Should Check Out in 2015
May 8, 2015 | Graphic Design

8 Graphic Design Conferences You Should Check Out in 2015

Graphic design can be something of a lonely profession. If you work for an agency, chances are you’ll be glued to a monitor with very few people coming over to…

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Websites for Graphic Design Inspiration
April 23, 2015 | Graphic Design

Websites for Graphic Design Inspiration

Graphic design has the distinction of being a professional discipline that requires both technical prowess and a large amount of creative juice. While the intricacies and skills required to be…

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Graphic Design: Jobs and Career Paths
March 27, 2015 | Graphic Design

Graphic Design: Jobs and Career Paths

This article is intended as a reference and does not represent a guarantee or implication that NYFA graduates or others reading this article will obtain a job in their chosen…

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