
The Cyanotype Process: What is Cyanotype Photography?
January 11, 2019 | Photography

The Cyanotype Process: What is Cyanotype Photography?

Recently, New York Film Academy-Los Angeles created a Cyanotype workshop for alumni at NYFA instructor Andrew Hall’s darkroom in downtown Los Angeles. Cyanotype is one of the oldest photographic processes…

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How to Compose a Great Wide-Angle Photo
November 30, 2018 | How To's

How to Compose a Great Wide-Angle Photo

While it may be the simplest method, “Point and Shoot” photography will rarely give you the results you’re looking for when trying to capture the perfect image. The variables and…

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How to Become a Travel Photographer on Instagram
October 26, 2018 | How To's

How to Become a Travel Photographer on Instagram

Instagram isn’t just a place to show off your best selfies —  it’s also among the best social media platforms where you can enhance your photography skills. If you like…

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Photography Hashtags to Increase Your Reach on Instagram and Twitter
July 13, 2018 | Photography

Photography Hashtags to Increase Your Reach on Instagram and Twitter

Few could have expected the # sign, previously called pound or number sign and only recognized on a phone, would become an important part of social media. Hashtags are used…

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Street Photography to Use as Inspiration
July 6, 2018 | Photography

Street Photography to Use as Inspiration

There comes a point in time when every photographer faces a creative block, whether is it general frustration with capturing the perfect moment or not being satisfied with your photos….

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How to Photograph Camera-Shy People
June 15, 2018 | How To's

How to Photograph Camera-Shy People

The advent of smartphones means more people are snapping photos every day. Whether it’s an endless supply of selfies or taking pics of friends and family, the average individual doesn’t…

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Photography Studios to Follow: Social Media Roundup
June 1, 2018 | Photography

Photography Studios to Follow: Social Media Roundup

When it comes to artistic practice, every creative professional knows that staying true to your own style is pivotal in not only transforming your individual works into a brand but…

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Photography Marketing 101: 4 Tips for Developing Your Unique Selling Proposition
April 27, 2018 | Photography

Photography Marketing 101: 4 Tips for Developing Your Unique Selling Proposition

In a time when just about everyone has a smart device with a camera, more people than ever are giving photography career options a shot. With an influx of individual…

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How to Make Money Selling Stock Photography
March 23, 2018 | How To's

How to Make Money Selling Stock Photography

It’s been almost 100 years since the stock photo industry began to take off. Since then, countless agencies and solo photographers have made a living selling their work to companies…

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