8-Week VR Game Design Workshop

Learn Virtual Reality Game Design at NYFA

In NYFA’s VR Game Design Workshop, students learn game design techniques applied in the VR space. To attend, students are required to complete NYFA’s Narrative VR program or submit a portfolio demonstrating equivalent skills in 3D Modeling, 3D Animation and/or development in Unity.

Workshop DescriptionWorkshop Name: 8-Week VR Game Design Workshop

In NYFA’s VR Game Design Workshop, students practice with the tools used to create interactive virtual experiences — ultimately designing their own interactive VR environment. They will come away with the practical skills to develop prototype-level VR games/experiences in the Unity game engine.

Students in the VR game design workshop will create a single-level, playable VR “game” demo, using the HTC Vive headset and Unity 3D. Utilizing the principles of game design, students design VR experiences that aim to give the player a sense of agency. This can be approached from an authorial, film-like narrative vision, or as a reward-driven game mechanic that incentivizes players to reach a predetermined objective. In either case, students are encouraged to put themselves inside the virtual world from the player’s (or audience’s) point of view, and use the foundational design principles of virtual reality to enhance the sense of immersion and willing suspension of disbelief — often referred to as “presence” by VR designer.

To learn more about NYFA’s game design workshops, see NYFA’s Course Catalog or request more information.

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Game Design
School Alumni

Daniela Lobo Dias  

Daniela Lobo Dias

Visual Effects Artist | Director | Writer

Kemer Stevenson  

Kemer Stevenson

3D Animator | VFX Artist

Scott Cullen  

Scott Cullen



Please note: Equipment, curriculum, and projects are subject to change and may vary depending on location. Students should consult the most recently published campus catalog for the most up-to-date curriculum.