Game Design Workshops

Hands-On Workshops at NYFA’s Game Design School

The workshops at NYFA’s Game Design School are designed for students seeking a hands-on introduction to game design coding and design. During these workshops, students study in NYFA’s collaborative and immersive studio environment, learning the basics of design and development using the latest software and technology.

After completing a workshop, many students continue to create games and pursue additional training opportunities to advance their growing skill sets. Students complete one playable game per program.

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Game Design

Game Design
School Alumni

Francesco Panzieri  

Francesco Panzieri

Visual Effects Artist

Guillermo Quesada  

Guillermo Quesada

3D Animator | VFX Artist | Game Designer

Obinna Eze Ajoku  

Obinna Eze Ajoku

Game Designer


Please note: Equipment, curriculum, and projects are subject to change and may vary depending on location. Students should consult the most recently published campus catalog for the most up-to-date curriculum.